Haha suuuuuper late with this post but hey, better late than never. Latest band I've been into would be Queens of the Stone Age. Seriously, these dudes kick all sorts of ass. It's fronted by Josh Homme and tends to roatate through members of the back up band, much like another fave band of mine Nine Inch Nails. Anyhoo, their music has been often labled as "stoner rock" although I do despise that title. You don't need to be stoned to enjoy how awesome their albums are. For once I have to agree with the majority of fans, which rarely happens, and say that "Songs For The Deaf" is by far my favorite album of theirs. That's got some well known songs such as "No One Knows" and "Go With The Flow". I just love their overal sound and I've been craving some good 'ol fashion rock 'n roll. Their past two albums have been pretty good as well although not as good as "Songs For The Deaf". Check out their other albums and other artists affiliated with them here: http://www.qotsa.com/ . New stuff will be going up soon after the New Year.