My name's Ashley Henry. This blog is a long time coming after getting told almost everyday "YOU NEED TO START A BLOG". Anyway, I'm an Illustrator currently at The Art Institute of Boston and I'm a senior. A little bit about me:
1. I'm a lover of classic rock. It just doesn't get any better than bands like Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, The Clash, The Beatles, The Ramones, AC/DC, etc.
2. I'm a total goofball and it drives the people in my life crazy sometimes.
3. I'm a huge sci-fi/fantasy/action junkie. It's seriously all I watch and read. Very rarely do I get into chick flicks.
4. I love wandering around aimlessly for hours on end with nothing but my ipod on me.
5. I'm a huge keeper of sketchbooks. I go through one every month and a half or so.
Ok that's it. Now on to the posting of cool images. I'll try to update with work and random tidbits at least once a week or hopefully a lot more frequently. Depends on my workload.